💥💥💥 GOODBYE, 2020! 💥💥💥

May we not see the sloppy likes of you ever again! 👋

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Hey Captain Snuggles... *waggles mistletoe* 😏😏😏😈😈😈😘😘😘

at my parents' place pre-pandemic: This candy cane is NOT up to regulation. SLOPPY!

I know it's just BUT
from a GFFA, all! 🎁🎄🤶🤶

(Art by )

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But no matter how well the virtual reunion started off, it would wind up with us as and yelling at each other... but in split-screen 😆🗣

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"Choose a GIF of your favorite character, tag four people to do the same."

As there were precious few GIFs of me / already on the HoloNet — SLOPPY! — once again, I had to take matters into my own hands.

And if you see this, consider yourself disciplined AND tagged! https://t.co/2AlD9rm0C4

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Favorite LGBTQ+ couple in comics?

You have made the right choice in

(And I hope hears this nomination often!)

There are few greater, nor more disastrous, couples than and myself,


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It has to be Aphra and Tolvan for me. 💘

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The would be excellent, but no LEGO set would be "perfect" — indeed it would be incomplete, even *sloppy* 😜 — without yours truly!

If not a larger scale ship, I hope for either a smaller set or at least a mini-fig two-pack of Aphra *and* 😬 https://t.co/GIfqmsDD3C

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"I'm the muscle, remember?"

Can't believe I didn't do this crossover before — sloppy! — BUT here are the versions of me IRL / my "main" online persona, as https://t.co/l0uDGcpbAu

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Here’s what’s to come when I’m done with the comic.
Tolvan and Aphra
The Martez Sisters
And Ursa Wren

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Stayed up too late reading about then woke up too early! Sleepy/sloppy! 😴😶

And despite being a disciplined, literary luminary myself, no novel, one-shot comic, or ongoing series was announced. 😓

Alas, one can dream! Time to stay in bed then 😜

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Character I love who is not considered main/A-list for

Why not the character who got all A's at the academy AND was bound for the A-list — before fate and a certain rogue archaeologist intervened?!

I mean, this might be obvious coming from me, but... 😬

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Thank you for giving the chance to make yet another dramatic entrance in the upcoming “final” issue of (Vol I), and !

(Why ride on the inside when you can descend astride a wing, coat billowing in the wind!)


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Space Lesbians, who live in Space! Specifically, Dr. Aphra and Captain Tolvan, from the Star Wars comics!

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Number 43

One of the best things about the Aphra comic is the Aphra-Tolvan relationship.

It's a genuine romance, despite the fact that these two have been on opposing sides. They've been great and horrible to each other.

I just want a happy ending for both.

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I find it very of me to exploit the "letter of the law" parameters of this meme in pursuit of my own objectives:

4 photos — but over 4 characters — that define my taste in characters. https://t.co/cFxyuGsL77

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