JUST $300 AWAY from adding this great sticker sheet bonus reward to ALL backers! Features the delightful "Chibi" drawings of Mercy and Molly, plus the 35th TREKKER Anniversary seal. Perfect for this milestone year. Grab it, the book and more at https://t.co/KfvltewZrI!

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We take comfort where we can, if we're lucky enough, and move on. If you're interested, still two days to check out the latest TREKKER book: https://t.co/KfvltewZrI

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COME ON IN, YOU'RE JUST IN TIME! We have some wonderful entertainment planned for you when you sign up for the latest TREKKER volume. Campaign ends this Thursday at 7pm PDT! https://t.co/KfvltefoAa

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Well-- close! Check out this cool, cool take on Mercy done by my studio mate and pal ! Follow him for some mind-bending stuff, and catch the latest TREKKER here: https://t.co/KfvltewZrI

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Stay strong and knock it down. A little Mercy courtesy of your friends funding the latest, toughest Trekker tale yet. Punch your way into the action at https://t.co/KfvltewZrI

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CRASH THIS PARTY... PLEASE! We're just 2 backers away from a dazzling 800 total! Charge on in and get in on the most intense TREKKER tale I know how to make>>> https://t.co/KfvltewZrI

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SOARING INTO OUR FINAL FIVE DAYS on the latest Trekker trail! 200% funded with multiple unlocked stretch goals! Get in on the flight and take us higher at https://t.co/KfvltefoAa

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We're into our FINAL WEEK on the long flight to making the new TREKKER book! Reaching for our NINTH big stretch goal-- and closing in! YOU could be the pledge that adds the sweet enamel pin to EVERY BACKER'S REWARDS! Soar over to https://t.co/KfvltefoAa!

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Just two hours into the $1000 challenge and IMP and TREKKER are nearly neck and neck! Winners? Losers? We ALL win when we back great indie comics, sez me. You agree? Say so here:

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's TREKKER is a nose ahead— but it ain't over until IMP says it is! Still a killer BATMAN 66 page available, and sweet SKETCHES by ! You could get a TREKKER book too, I guess.

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THE END IS NEAR! Just one week left to join the flight for the latest TREKKER OGN! Earn your wings before time runs out! https://t.co/KfvltewZrI

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EVERY BACKER on the new TREKKER campaign gets a print of this watercolor done exclusively for the campaign- Don't miss out-- Just 9 days left to earn your wings! https://t.co/KfvltewZrI

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This is no time to lose your cool. We're making a comic! Specifically, the new TREKKER OGN. And we need YOU to sign up for Mercy's toughest, most intense trek yet. Funded, multiple stretch goals unlocked, and we're nowhere near done. Details: https://t.co/KfvltefoAa

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NINE DAYS LEFT to get in on the highest-flying Trekker journey yet! Earn you wings before time runs out: https://t.co/KfvltewZrI

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DOWN TO TEN DAYS LEFT to back the latest TREKKER sci-fi OGN! Over 750 backers, multiple stretch goals unlocked already-- get on board at https://t.co/KfvltewZrI. You don't want to miss this one.

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Hey, if asks for More Trekker, who am I to argue? See if you don't agree at https://t.co/KfvltefoAa

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"TREKKER...is a genuine badass...A female character that is sexy but not sexualized, that is tough but not without flaws and doubts, and that is dangerous but not without compassion... More Trekker, please."-- Gail Simone
Next book funding now: https://t.co/KfvltefoAa

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Trekker Mercy St. Clair is flying into danger. But then that's nothing new for her. Climb aboard for her latest journey at https://t.co/KfvltefoAa

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commission from the Trekker RIGEL campaign, placing backers in the roles. Such a fun one!
More commissions available through the new BLOOD IN THE WIND. All to help make the book better and to give you something cool for your walls. https://t.co/KfvltewZrI

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SAILING INTO ADVENTURE: Come aboard with us. We're funding the latest TREKKER book, featuring 23rd century bounty hunter Mercy St. Clair and a nice cast of troublemakers. You'll fit right in! https://t.co/KfvltewZrI

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