I edited the first one, and a preview of my next drawing.

1 49


184 1756

bilgewater is sinkin' man and i dont wanna swim

30 110

Let me introduce you to the Hullbreakers, a sea shanty band, united by the power of song ~ 🍊⚓️

79 314


3 19

В ᥴᥱρдцᥱ н᧐чь ᴛуᥰᥲя
В ʙ᧐᧘᧐ᥴᥲх κ᧐᧘ᴛун
Тяжᥱ᧘᧐ ᥴᴛуᥰᥲᥱᴛ
𐌿᧐ ɜᥱʍ᧘ᥱ 𐌺᧐᧘дун

1 17