Comms opened
Prices for rhd: 10k
Prices for robux: 50 w/o tax
Taking 3 slots
Please comment if interested!

0 0

Lux: A Journey of Light & Dark

8 27

dont forget to redshift ur loptop screen at night anon

windows: settings->system->lightness/color->night light

macOS: 🍎->system prefs->display->night shift

linux: search apps for redshift or "redshift -O 4500" in terminal

1 26

William pronouns he/they ( <-- Thats for if we commission)
Multi people = 25$
2,500 +tax
rh diamonds:
2 or 3 mill diamonds.

0 2


headshot: 100k
bust up: 140k
Thigh up: 170k
Full body: 230k

Headshot: 100
Bust up: 150
thigh up: 190
Full body: 250

0 0

morganaux: /tea, /read, and /prettyplease make up probably 90 percent of all my screenshots of him lmao

phoebus: /think + /straightface! everyone assumes he must be judging them but he's really just thinking about his greenhouse or his husband most of the time.

0 4

Opening Comms for rhd and robux
Prices for rhd: 10k
Prices for robux: 50 w/o tax
Please comment if interested
Retweets are appreciated!

0 0

Les joueurs après avoir vu l’intégralité des jeux du monde recevoir du rollback et pas eux:

0 3

Flux: Aerial says I’m famous, what do you all think?

2 21

Omg guys ych is out

I take robux(via group fund/gamepass), rhd, and usd (via PayPal/Kofi)

Robux: 250 w/o tax
Rhd: 75k
Usd: $4

Payment after lineart 😘

I’m reposting this if it flops 💀

13 33

Côté Pokémon, on en a 3 nouveaux: Balbalèze, la baleine à deux pattes, Pâtachiot une espèce de fusion entre Voltoutou et Charmilly...

0 2

Doing roblox commissions

headshot: 100k
bust up: 140k
Thigh up: 170k
Full body: 230k

Headshot: 100
Bust up: 150
thigh up: 190
Full body: 250

2 7

Flux: I’ll see you at the finish line!

11 42

Art biddable
Sb for rhd: 10k
Sb for robux: 10 robux
If paying with robux you must include tax!
(I take items and halos too)
Retweets are appreciated thank you :D
Ends when I like an offer <3

5 5

Doesn't the artist have a birthday soon?
Flux: Yep.. He's soon to be more fossilized!

10 46

📖Two people find their lives thrust into chaos. One, taken and thrown into a world of violence, fighting for her very survival. The other, a prisoner of his own attempt to cheat death.📖

FLUX: Vol 1


14 31

Gaming with Tux: Vulkan 1.3.219 Released With Two New Extensions - Phoronix

0 1

Évidemment, après un fanart de Pac-Man fallait bien que je dessine ses éternels rivaux: les fantômes !

10 42