Ushiwaka and Hoshiumi are carbon copies of their moms too.. 😭 Mother gene so strong... Kageyama gotta look like his mom

4 45

He’s just soooo boyfriend 🥲🥲

44 148

Okay we MUST be friends! You also like FGO!!!! I’m obsessed with FGO!!!! Here’s my FGO Art:
Okita Sōji Alter
Senji Muramasa

0 3

fate/grand order,ushiwakamaru(fate), swimsuit under clothes, drinking straw 一発生成でこれかぁ…

0 1

No. 2: Ushiwakamaru Learns Swordsplay from the Tengu at Sojogatani on Mount Kurama, by Utagawa Hiroshige, ca. 1832-1834

9 72

For HQOmegaverseWeek2022
5 - feral + arranged marriage (ish)

The Omega Dominant and his Ushiwaka (King of Shiratorizawa)
(UshiOi | )

73 487

TSUJIKAZE NI FUKARETE IS SO IMPORTANT AND I GENUINELY CANT BELIEVE ITS BEEN ADDED TO MUSIC HAVE A GOOD TEAM USHIWAKAMARU MORNING EVERYONE please please please do yourself a favor and read the lyrics to it if you haven’t already and you like any of them because this is such a win

233 1147

*FGO warning spoiler 5.5
Jadi Taira itu apa bedanya ya sama Ushiwakamaru? Orang yang sama kah? Soalnya klo gasalah Ushiwakamaru pernah bilang dia punya saint graph lain selain rider...

1 14

Name 4 fictional characters you are obsessed with and tag 4 friends to do the same.

1- Rya
2- Hellagur
3- Ridley Silverlake
4- Ushiwakamaru


0 6


ushiwaka pindah aoba johsai tah?

2 108

*hq warning spoiler

🍊: kamu kadang mirip sama ushiwaka-san

14 272