보이드 처음그려봐... 아니 들어봐요? 얘가 먼저 멋진 목소리랑 포즈로 중무장하고 있었다니까?

27 83

If void has been around for a long time, did you listen to classical music?
Ok Maybe yes maybe yes😊✨

6 27


14 41

와우... 3일걸렸다 어쨋든 만족스로운 보잇두

19 59

First piece of related fanart I've made and go figure it's for a mod- XD
Srsly tho the VS Void mod was so pretty, and I just HAD to draw this boi!
https://t.co/Laov2cmWqg Check out the mod, it's so good!

10 35