“La Scuola di Atene” (“The School of Athens”) by 🇮🇹🇻🇦#museivaticani

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What I am about to do has not been approved by the Vatican.

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Alberga un gran legado de arte románico rural ¿De que país se trata? Opciones: 👍 Vaticano 👏 Andorra ❤️ China


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The Parnassus Fresco, Raphael, Palace of the Vatican in Rome, at the commission of Pope Julius II (1511)

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Kyo and Fulgur x Vatican Kiseki

(I'm in mom's town and I'm bored so trying phone drawing!)

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Water's Edge is now the president of Vatican City.

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Raffaello Sanzio (1483-1520)-'Moses saved from the water'-fresco Città del Vaticano-Palazzi Pontificii (Loggia of Pope Leo X)

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I have to finish what I started. What I'm about to do has not been approved by the Vatican ✝️

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A look at this year's two 🎄 Christmas stamps of the 🇻🇦 Vatican.

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Apenas me acabo de dar cuenta que en el folio 45 del codice Vaticano B, Tlaloc porta un pectoral de serpiente bicefala similar al que tienen en el British Museum 👌👌👌

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