“I'm not ashamed to say I'm mentally ill, but that doesn’t mean mentally weak,”— THANK U for the incredible strength you have on and off the ice. U are a great inspiration.

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VEGAS!!!!!!!!! Time to come together as a team and as a city to support our guys ready to battle in round 2. We have a great team ready to take on the next rival.

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Way too many knights “fans” need this. Chill out and shhhhhhhh

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In honor of Fleury in net ima share a Little throwback one of the first illustrations I made when I created the Golden misfits season one. The original concept art for Flower!!

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The panda on net!!!!!! Let’s do this guys!!!! If anyone gets any good pics of my panda I drew for helmet on TV please tag me!!!!

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Alright let’s get back to hockey!!!! New little character for this playoffs. We have soooo many awesome kids & kids at heart in Vegas that love our team and love the game. This one is for you.

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Panda!!!!! Coming back and getting their head back in the game and getting the Win!!! It’s just awesome to see the guys back on the ice!!!!

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IT'S KNIGHT TIME!! I am so excited to finally see the guys back on the ice again, and to celebrate, here's the next one in my VGK Emoji series: Alex Tuch! 🌮

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The Golden Knights are in Edmonton for the Stanley Cup Playoffs, & I am SUPER STOKED! To celebrate, I decided to continue the VGK Emoji series I started back in March. Next up: Ryan Reaves! I freaking LOVE Reavo, & this was so much fun to work on!

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Another one for my “Frontline Heroes” book coming soon. Make sure you thank those out there still working to help us keep the world going.

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Did this little inspired piece live on Facebook for kids to draw along with me. Trying to help during these times to put a smile on people. .

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