Empezaré a publicar algunos dibujos que hice con Inteligencia Artificial, así que aquí va el primero


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of & other quality artists and makers will be showcasing their work at Andrew Vickers' woodland sculpture venue this weekend. £4 entry. 10-4pm on both days. Festive food and drink available too. Further details in the link. - https://t.co/kWPQc0i41C

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The wenDIgo has been drawn, but to the Grymm style.

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What started as an answer of how Uzi snuck out of the bunker just turned into Mary-Anne asking about Uzi x N all of the sudden. XD


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Before the lone and cold huntress yall know now existed, the bot known as "I" was once a bubbly and cheerful lil thing that loved her job.

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L being a maid/servant bot fits just so PERFECTLY with her cultish-loyalty persona. She def was one of those bots before being reconfigured into a killer.

Liam you crazy, bro fr. 🙏


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Updated model of the Swarmer Drone, aka the Murder Hornets. Now much more "synthetic" to match the tone of the mystery monster from the trailer.

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"Rendevous in the Federation Phalanx" - Advertisement from Vickers Armstrong, 2261.

The British Isles-based engineering conglomerate was one of Starfleet's key contractors during the 2250s and 60s, taking over the construction of almost all destroyers and scouts by 2265.

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The official Murder Drones trailer is out! So have an N everyone!

N(c) @/LiamVAnimation
Artwork(c) Yours truly,

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Klied and Di from "Let's Split Up" by Liam vickers!

Klied and Di(c) @/LiamVAnimation
Artwork(c) Yours truly,

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Original artist: Cringey Velimir
Remaster: Reindrob

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Artists: Margaret Stott and Pat Vickers
VanDusen Botanical Garden
Floral Hall
November 6th

To see more: https://t.co/uTvZYin4iG

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