By popular demand, here are all the Godzilla Series monsters as Dragonball Z characters. I guess.

Godzilla = Goku
- Always ready for a fight
- Wrecks everything in sight
- Signature move is a blue beam attack

6 39

This is a big deal, he only had a basic mountain before.

0 7

And don't forget to check out the amazing art for both cards by !

6 29

Can someone at wotc let me know if this was meant to be a gamera reference?

0 9

Hey I wrote a book! Magic: the Gathering: Legends: A Visual History comes out on July 7! I'm going to talk about it in this thread:

111 615

The Vorthos Cast Reveals The Process of Building a Flavor-Fueled Commander Deck For Kroxa, Titan of Hunger

0 0

It is a CRIME we never got a full art version of Deicide.
by the incomparable

3 22

matches always sort of amused me from a standpoint, and I finally drew one in progress like I've been wanting to!

5 9

We are pleased to present our free preview card from ! Well, OK, we're not that pleased. More terrified. Empty. Broken. Gone... Hear what this morbid Underworld business is all about in our preview episode!

25 118

Magic Artist Steve Prescott is selling 20x30" prints of his SDCC promo for $50 each. You have to DM him on Facebook.
Drop him a line and tell him that Vorthos Mike sent you over.

33 112

貴サークル「Vorthos Diversity」は、コミックマーケット97で「日曜日南地区 "ネ " 37a」に配置されました!コミケWebカタログにてスペース配置場所公開中です!

7 11

Who wants the Kamigawa Mountains on a playmat?

3 25