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강다니엘팬은 강다니엘을 존중합니다.
강다니엘팬은 강다니엘을 존중합니다.
강다니엘팬은 강다니엘을 존중합니다.
강다니엘팬은 강다니엘을 존중합니다.
강다니엘팬은 강다니엘을 존중합니다.

2215 2079

"Subversive Artwork That Breaks Free of the 'Pale, Male, and Stale' Art World."

Massive thank you to and for profiling our exhibition! 💛 x


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I'm showing this re-work of an old editorial job for in a new exhibition called 'Neither Here, Nor There' on at until the end of Sept!

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'Mount Rushmore' by . On display at '100 Years, Today's Woman' 14 - 18 March 2018 LSE Library

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'Incir' by Yasmin Falahat
"Being a mix of Iranian and Turkish but not feeling enough of either, my main connection to my culture is food. I feel a bit like an alien a lot of the time so I wanted to show the food in an alien, other-wordly & almost unrecognisable way."

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Vote for to win Best Heritage project in the on Twitter by tweeting using the hashtag or retweeting this!

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