Today's is this 1850-55 evening dress. writes that the fabric's pattern was quite saucy for the time, as it referenced Watteau's seductive painting, The Swing. The image was made by combining 2 paintings by Jacques-Philippe Le Bas (1 in pic 4).

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When we think of the art of Jean-Antoine (1684-21) we think of the Fête galante & characters from the Commedia dell'arte. However, in his earlier career he painted soldiers & was influenced by the War of Spanish Succession (1701-14).

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The Love Song (1717)

Jean-Antoine Watteau's works ->

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André Lhote
Study for ‘Homage to Watteau’

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Portrait of Antoine Watteau, Rosalba Carriera, Luigi Bailo Museum (Palette: 🖌🎨

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Jean-Antoine Watteau was born in 1684. He was one of the most influential French painters of his time and he invented a type of painting known as the 'Fête Galante' - pictures exploring the psychology of love. 'The Scale of Love' is one of them:

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Watteau’s work exemplifies the Rococo which evolved from the Baroque. His delicate palette, bittersweet characters, Arcadian landscapes & nostalgic atmosphere are characteristic of the time. Mezzetin (1717), Fêtes Vénitiennes (1718) & an undated semi-clothed woman sing with joy!

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Watteau continued to draw throughout his life. Here are three studies of three women (1716-17), The Remedy (1716-17) & Three Studies of a Lady (1715). Such careful drawings would reappear as figures in different works. Such ability is almost extinct today

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Another major work by Watteau is his Festival of Love (1717) which is typical of his many canvases of elegant people in a timeless garden. The Toilette, of the same period, also represents a theme he regularly returned to - the female nude

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Jean Antoine Watteau (October 10, 1684 – July 18, 1721) was a French painter.The Fortune Teller-1710

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➤ Antoine Watteau (fue un pintor francés. Es uno de los grandes genios del último barroco francés y del primer rococó. Se le atribuye la creación del género de las fiestas galantes inspirado en el mundo de la comedia italiana o el ballet
🧶 /FIN

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: Pour le 300e anniversaire de la mort de Watteau, un colloque intitulé Watteau & son univers organisé aura lieu les 6 et 7 novembre 2021. Il y sera surtout question d'influences (et de réseaux)

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5/6 Examples of Rococo Art (playful and youthful themes, pretty subjects and most closely associated with France pre-revolution) First half 18th century. The Music Lesson by Boucher, The Scale of Love by Watteau and The Gathering of the Manna by Tiepolo.

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Antoine Watteau


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portrait of Fredersdorf
& two studies of Watteau

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