ifeel like it could be simpler and im not sure if i like it but here was my attempt from today at whaleshark+ snow leopard

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Final entry for silvermilk__ ‘s challenge over on Instagram!
This was so fun to work on 😤💕🍋🫐

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Finally finished these ocean bros! 🥰 Wanted to make some ocean animal designs in a sticker format; some of the water took many iterations to get right. I'll order some small sticker packs soon to see how they look. ❤️

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she's having a whale of a time~✨🐋🦈✨

whalesharkification for

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Big whaleshark~✨🐋🦈🥛💦✨

whalesharkification for featuring

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Sushi that makes you big (also shark) ✨🍣✨

whalesharkification for

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Taking some SHARKIFICATION/WHALESHARKIFICATION comms this week! £40 for a Slot, DM if interested!

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Gonz beating the heat~ ☀️🍦

whalesharkification for

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Mer-#MuQing introduces their 30 NanYao bebs to their surprised Fishbait/Whaleshark-daddy who also does not know how any of this works (he’s only been a mer for a short time! but he has already f*cked merMQ several times so...)

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More beautiful fanart from just Gigi and her pet Whaleshark Dog hybrid named Juanita.
Please go check it sunset she does such cute art and deserves all the support ❤️❤️❤️

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"My wave, my shark, my demon in the dark
Standing on the world outside
I'm a shark in a love landslide"

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hey Whaleshark! happy little Nemo here

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