Red riding hood and the 'big' '''bad''' wolf 🐺

Day 2 - Red

29 90

Day 03: Helmetless

.... To be continued.(had to stop doing prompts for now because work.)

13 84

Quick painting. Watching moonlight together after mission. I'm not planning to joined but said it's ok even just one artwork. K 👍

52 156

I'm very busy recently. Always working in Thesis, I don't have time to draw. This is the picture I drew when I saw this tag set. But the rest of the photos are sketches. I would have posted pictures for just one day. Im sorry 😭😭💦

27 90

Day 1: Lights

And probably this will be my only one. Because I'm...tired. XD

6 29

day seven - distance

47 177

day eight: free prompt

i was thinking something like.. "firsts"??? so its their first date uwu (i am immediately run off the stage)

10 30

uuhhh so uh i sure did make something yup.

11 37

day 17+18

closing the distance long awaited❤️💙

18 59

I hope the preview looks fine sjdfs


Even from half a world away, they can keep in touch with a call ❤️💙

16 56

day seven: distance

no it is not the 19th already it is not 12 am right now hahahaha what do you mean

7 30

Day 7 - Distance

The low quality is due to taking my time drawing this in Aggie io while in a drawing session with

It's kinda an AU we were talking about. And X program falling in love with Zero.

5 18

, Touch

After losing Zero one too many times, sometimes X just needs to make sure he's actually real. Actually there.

5 14

Not a lot of time for this one, but I imagined it with these 2.

XZero Week!

18. Distance

1 7