I'll be streaming by 9pm today (30 minutes).
Shout out and special thank you to Jasmine Tea for the cozy Xan comm.

3 5

Going to be randomly streaming tonight and this evening. I'll start in 20 minutes.
Also thank you for the comm!

1 13

Thank you for the icon! She's so sweet!

1 3

Let's start the new year right! Commissioned art from My, oh my!

2 18

Oh my! New Art from YulianaPie26. I plan to make some emojis of them eventually.

3 18

Thank you
! The Padoru is wonderful!

3 18

I drew some juicy hairy balls
⚠️Please⚠️ ignore and chilling in the background 🙄

30 1033

The Contest is over but I still have few more Fan art to complete.

24 486

I'm probably late to the party but thought it'd be a great time to finally do some fanart!

70 1363

I think that i'm too late, but there it is

24 352

ENTRY FOR & hope you like it!!! Bad at drawing dudes so I drew 2 girls~

Sry for late entry me in GMT -11 wwww

227 2978

Took me all night to finish at last minute. BUT I did it, off to bed now. Show on contest, idc if I lost. Want my work on stream, enjoy the meme

20 427

This is my last entry for the contest hope you like it!!
I got fefe's favorite pokemon but since I couldn't get Nux's I couldn't put it in lol

14 612

I'm finally done!!
My contest entry for and

*twitter crop please be kind to me

89 1345

Here is my piece for contest...
And i'm sure that Nux will always stand for FeFe xD

18 528