Ух же какая хитрая Баози! Ну я надеюсь, что с ними все хорошо 😂

En. Wow, what a cunning Baozi! Well, I hope that everything is fine with them 😂

4 160

Фух, всех с днём святого Валентина! Желаю вам много любви к второй половинке, а если у вас её нет, то не расстраивайтесь! (Я тоже одиночка...)

2 50

На всякий случай, если вы боитесь заражением этим вирусом😊
Ну а сама ситуация печальная😢

3 27

Fun under the sun with Zhima and Baozi!
This is for , hope you like it

4 20

Friends here a small Christmas gift for and Baozi's is one of my favorites and I wanted to try cheering so I hope you like it !! ^^


15 148

Lovely lovely OCs from , (I’m probably gonna end up drawing them all lol). I remember seeing you back on DeviantArt a whiiile ago. Glad I found ya here on Twitter! Still love your stuff! : D

78 609

She's a hot cutie gothicc, so here is another Fanart! hope you guys like it! 💙🖤💜

85 754

Поскольку в Твиттере ограничение в количестве символов, предлагаю вам посмотреть текст в моем Инстаграме: https://t.co/cFxhLjBLIM

3 92

Gaghs is back to celebrate Chile's week! 🇨🇱❤️

497 4235

My official announcement as the Voice of Gu, the sweetest Snake nurse around 💕🐍💕, in 's

Want to see the sexy alternate version? $5 on Patreon gets you access to all my previous goodies and a bunch coming up in the future. 💕


20 237

Серьезно? Ок, как скажешь...

9 119

Very well!! I finally finished it !! Baozi !! the cute Chinese dog of She is completely adorable !! what do you say? will you sit with her? I hope you like it

Extra content: https://t.co/8oDbKc8aXC


39 475

Baozi! 💛 (it's been a while since I last made one of these beauties : o)

Character by
Modeled in Blender.
Edited in Photoshop.

21 506

Zhenzi! It's funny to see a boy surrounded of cute thicc girls xD Little fan art of one of 's Ocs, Enjoy and sorry for the simple background ;u;

17 258