Pienso en cómo se habrá sentido Wei Ying cuando vio a las semillas de loto comenzar a crecer en los túmulos funerarios 🥺

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Most ppl -at least in my tl- share wangxian with little & cute WWX and I love him oc but this, this YLL is my ultimate crush 🥰 like I simp him really hard 🤤🌋🙈 so yeah that's it, just wanted to say it

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I keep getting reminded of that cool scene in the donghua where WeWuXian stood on the roof of the building while green flames lit up behind him-
That scene was so effing cool.

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I found this reference in pinterest (cant find the author/ credit)

It reminds me of Wei Wu Xian and Lan Wang Ji 😳

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I swear I just wanted to test the brushes, but 's was so beautiful, so I had to try. And well, at least I tried. 😂

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Hi hello I'm a bit late to the party but this is my first fanart ever!! I tried. I hope you like it 🥺


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