mentally im picking him up with a pair of tweezers
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6 16

rewatching the last couple eps of zexal i now that im at least somehow Burdened With Knowledge and only slightly regretting this tweet

0 6


1 3

It's time for an Action Duel! ZEXAL I vs Ryo Marufuji/Zane Truesdale (Season 1)!

3 12

4 fav ygo characters lessgo

once i get further in zexal some of them may be replaced (the only reason astral isnt on here is bc ive only known him for 30 episodes)

1 8

Hello (°w°)/
Nueva ilustración del dia de hoy 💜

Sígueme para mas contenido 😊

1 1



圧巻の美しい湖と星空が銀河眼の輝きを描き出す、 さんの色彩が煌めく一枚。

1 1

Hice a Yuma de Zexal con mi propia técnica de dibujo semi realista

0 1

캐붕인거 ㅇㅈ합니다 근데 브이한테 립스틱 함만 칠해보고 싶었음 ㅈㅅㅈㅅ

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0 0


75 186

still got like 50 zexal episodes to go and vector is already grabbing my brain and shaking it around violently 💙

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26 40