Ring Fingers: colourful, energetic and psychedelic 60s style graphic design print depicting an assemblage of fingers and stars.

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Orphic Eggs: colourful, energetic and explosive graphic design print depicting a cluster of magical and mythological eggs.

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Annwn Temple: an abstractive graphic design pop art inspired portrayal of the sacred temple of Annwn.

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Shattered Shards: Saliant and illogical graphic design print using the geometric three polygonal shape.

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Jamen: surrealist illustration of a medicine man deity inspired by South America shamanism religeious practice.

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Cannon Balls: Non objective depiction of cannon balls inspired by Galilean Cannon and the conservation of linear momentum.

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Expansion: Techni-colour non objective representation of the creation of the universe and The Big Bang.

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Gyration: post modernity, subjective form, line and colour married to express a scattered feeling of heightened awareness.

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