Quarrel of Achilles and Agamemnon
Unidentified Artist
French?, 19th century

1 2

Agamemnon for the second of . Having a blast - thanks for the suggestion, !

1 10

Quarrel of Achilles and Agamemnon
Unidentified Artist
French?, 19th century

0 1

these bitches talkin shit abt u behind ur back!! meet agamemnon and cruelle💖

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Un peu de grandiloquence maintenant avec l'architecte et peintre Louis-Jean Desprez (1743-1804)

1) Cérémonie à la cathédrale de Salerne
2) Illumination de la Croix de Saint Pierre à Rome
3) Projet pour le palais Sheremetev
4) Procession funéraire d'Agamemnon

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Nom entier : General Roy Myxène Agamemnon

Age : 58 ans.

Aime : Son pays, l’honneur, son unité, et ses trois filles. 👧👧👧

Aime pas : la désobéissance, l’anarchie, ainsi que les dirigeants corrompus.

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Si ses méthodes laissaient à désirer, Heinrich Schliemann, mort un 26 décembre 1890, n'en reste pas moins l'archéologue qui a révélé la mycénienne.

Du masque d'Agamemnon au diadème et boucles d'oreilles que sa femme portera, le de Priam a fasciné le monde.

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The Sacrifice of Iphigeneia from the House of the Tragic Poet, now . Her father Agamemnon hides his face. The nymph bringing a stag refers to the story that the goddess Artemis rescued Iphigeneia, substituting an animal

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So Discord and I decided that the Torvosaurus’ name is Agamemnon. Pretty solid.

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As a remain voter not sure Trafalgar anniversary is p.c. but 16 British ships (see lamp-posts along The Mall) had classical names-Neptune, Agamemnon, Ajax, Orion, Minotaur, Spartiate, Mars, Bellerophon, Colossus, Achille, Polyphemus, Euryalus, Naiad, Phoebe, Sirius, Britannia)

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thinking about making Agamemnon a secondary sona im not sure

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A sci-fi reimagining of the myth where Agamemnon tries to sacrifice his daughter to Artemis and she comes down and kills him instead :) she then whisks her away to be her priestess (coughwifecough)

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Mighty Agamemnon, who protects and defends his Clit-em-nestra.

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Quarrel of Achilles and Agamemnon
Unidentified Artist
French?, 19th century

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( A is for Arthur,
A is for Agamemnon. )

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Agamemnon, Great King of the Achaeans, wounded withdraws from the battle with the Trojans
Artwork by Christos Yannopoulos

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Musée Bordeaux
Pierre Guérin
Andromaque et Pyrrhus
Fin de la guerre de Troie
À gauche Hermione fille de Ménélas, Pyrrhus fils d'Achille, Andromaque épouse d'Hector, butin de Pyrrhus et son fils Astyanax, Oreste fils d'Agamemnon.
Pyrrhus refuse de livrer Astyanax à Oreste.

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'AGAMEMNON cried out too, calling men to arms and harnessed up in gleaming bronze himself..But Zeus...down from the vaulting skies released a shower raining blood...' - Homer's Iliad, Book 11 (Victor Ambrus/Robert Fagles) .

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Quarrel of Achilles and Agamemnon
Unidentified Artist
French?, 19th century

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“Whenever he was going to be seen by many people, he always wore his tunic girt up to his thigh... and a heavy cloak enveloped him” - Plutarch, Life of Antony

Request for to lure ppl to my new Twitter ;^)

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