যাঁর কণ্ঠে একটি গোটা জাতির ঘুম ভাঙে, যাঁর মন্ত্রোচ্চারণে সদর্পে ঘোষিত হয় মায়ের আবাহন, আজ সেই 'ভদ্র' লোকের জন্মদিন


video & caption : editor

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Die ersten Informationen zu den neuen Pokémon sowie der neuen Spielmechanik Terakristallisierung könnt ihr nun im Wiki finden.

Hefel: https://t.co/rPf7iY0LML
Kolowal: https://t.co/FBGBtGb9fK
Terakristallisierung: https://t.co/gtAiOxPYiz

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“Cuando la flor florece, las abejas llegan sin invitación.” Ramakrishna

0 14

Congratulations On 🎉🌹💐

My Dear Guruji Sirji &
ji ji
ji ji & Team
Directed & Screenplay &
Produced By C. V. Sridhar ji
Written by ji
(dialogues & lyrics) (27 July 1973)

6 17

Next batch of attacks. This time featuring sealwithakris' Avalon, 's Poffer Lord, 's Posey and MilkWhisk's Waffle Valentine.

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A man whose life has the ebbs and flows of a river 🌊.!

Here's the first look of 💥💥

Starring .
Directed by VV Gopalakrishna.
Produced by .
Presented by

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We both commission to the same artist “Itakrisma” Damn this artist did really a good job on our logo! Thanks for the recommendation ototo!(little bro) . I Lab You ❤️ Well u such a influencer! Making me want to commission artist too~

1 5

Yay! The news is out. I'm doing two events in Edinburgh this year. Come and say hello. Write, draw and sing with me and listen to stories from these two books.

https://t.co/gT7pcAukRx https://t.co/K4plCD7AmE

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4. Oh yes, definitely 💕 My favorite is Hades from my sci-fi/fantasy series, Silent Suspension. But since I can’t really share much about him, here’s one of his lackies.

Sakris has been working for him even back when this story was a fanfic, and she’s a master of disguise.

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Anhaltende tödliche Dürre im Horn von Afrika mit sich zuspitzender Lebensmittelknappheit. 60°C Bodentemperaturen in Indien. Immense Waldbrände in Sibirien. Eine anrollende Hitzewelle von 12-16°C über Normaltemperaturen in Europa. Die ist tödlich udn sie ist jetzt.

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Snarly dudes oc at right is from @/AKAkris_10 !

4 19

Froggy Friend bought for 0.07 ETH (228.27 USD) by jl2fa from akrisl https://t.co/lOYzxbCECo

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Ananthakrishnan is a self-taught digital artist who mainly focuses on anime and stylized portraits. he often experiments with concept art and fan art.

1 11

Die Weltmeere erwärmen sich - im Atlantik schon bis über 2000 Meter Tiefe hinunter.
Alles über die Weltmeere in der im World Ocean Review (verständlich & auf Deutsch): https://t.co/SQ0jfol7Va

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Foundation in association with 1st Ever Virtual Reality Art Exhibition's "Branches" featured Artwork by Pramod Gopalakrishnan displayed at


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