Saints Peter, Martha, Mary Magdalen, and Leonard
ca. 1515
Correggio (Antonio Allegri)

(Met Museum)

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I don’t have much to say about Ruby’s designs atm other than dAMN she has hUGE shoes and I wonder if she always secretly has stars hanging out in her jacket
(art by Natasha Allegri, d-Artemi, and Mishakeet)

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Quando siamo troppo allegri, in realtà siamo infelici.
Quando parliamo troppo, in realtà siamo a disagio.
Quando urliamo, in realtà abbiamo paura.
In realtà, la realtà non e’ quasi mai come appare.

- Virginia Woolf -

🖌 Edvard Munch, Il mattino, 1884

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🎼Gregorio Allegri (1582-1652): Miserere Mei, Deus
🎶Choir of King´s College, Cambridge

🖌️Gentile da Fabriano: Polyptychon Quaratesi-Storie di S. Nicola di Bari,c.1425

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C'è vita, allegria, tenerezza in questi due fanciulli che ridono e chiacchierano stesi sulla battigia a prendere l'ultimo sole d'estate. Un gioco, forse un primo amore.
🎨 Joaquín Sorolla
Idilio di mare

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nobody will ever understand how much this natasha allegri bubbline fanart deeply affected me as a child

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通話なしDiscordで雑談しつつ、マルチやイベントを一緒に楽しみませんか(● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾??
少し気分を変えたい方、どこに行こうか迷われている方々、是非是非遊びに来てくださいませ〜(● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾✨

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Natasha Allegri// please invest in a scanner for my sake

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Antonio Allegri da Correggio ( 5 August 1489 – March 5, 1534) was an Italian painter.Correggio Ledat Project

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RAPID FIRE. andy suriano, ariel ries, posuka demizu, natasha allegri

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Natasha Allegri's Bee and Puppycat works.

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Saints Peter, Martha, Mary Magdalen, and Leonard
c. 1515

Correggio aka Antonio Allegri

Commissioned for a church in the painter’s hometown of Correggio, the four saints were chosen by the patron, Melchiore Fassi.

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Correggio (Antonio Allegri), Saint Ambrose and Saint Luke, 16th century

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