【🎦MVに挿絵提供しました!Alter Ego様✨】


Alter Ego(オルターエゴ) 様




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The blue one is the main body, the orange one is the alter ego. If you see this comment what you think their names should be…

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¡¡Happy Birthday to me!! ¡Let's have a crazy and colorful party! (super duper late XD)

Andean, Ande & Dean of my creation

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Mboreal (el alterego de mercy por decirlo así )

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The awakening of dark alterego named Zehel. The existence that I would rather deny.

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Hermano. Cuando decia "ship" hablaba ¡enserio!
Use tu avatar/oc/alterego manu por que asi seria mas divertido (y menos raro) que con el tu real

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『ALTER EGO』のゲームブックもようやく再販しました。サンプルページは更新してないけど、表紙のロゴとフォントがちょっと違います。まえの表紙は仮ロゴのまま作っちゃったから、ずっとモヤモヤしてた…

ALTEREGO Game Book(カラメルカラム)の通販・購入はメロンブックス https://t.co/IQlCy3YG99

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You can't walk to god if you're still holding hands with the devil.

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alterego: yō (陽)
<3 belongs to <3

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alterego: in (陰)
<3 belongs to <3

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Reminder that AlterEgo of Song's noble Phantasm can be summed up as and

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1. Flock Of Seagulls
2. Garland House
3. Sunday
4. Sleepwalker
5. Harmony
6. AlterEgo OverDrive

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A long day of hero work deserves a nice tea break.

Jackieboy-man enjoying a Long Island Strawberry Green Tea! This is (1/6) characters I’ll be doing! So keep an eye out!

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"You're the one been chosen. Play the part like Moses. Keep it fresh like roses!" Lucky Rebel, has gotten a make-over!

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