Blue hour : musim gugur
Sugar rush ride : musim semi

Getah pohon maple bisa dijadiin sirup (sifatnya manis), sedangkan pohon wisteria yg bagian bijinya beracun bisa menyebabkan pusing hingga pingsan. Seperti gambaran cb kali ini kalau godaan bersifat manis sekaligus beracun

95 517

Ada, tpi genshin oc rwrwrw
Ini gambaran tahun 2021 keknya

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Meet the HIMBA and the BAMBARA girl🥰🤗

The Himba are an indigenous people living in northern Namibia, and the Bambara are a Mandé ethnic group native to much of West Africa, primarily southern Mali and Ghana.❤️


51 80

Gambaran anak teknik gahapal persamaan nyoba ngerjain soal wkwk. Gokil dah nih komik gapernah gagal bikin gua tertarik buat terus baca 👏

Credit: Pupus Putus Sekolah -

2 17

Matheo wrwrwr, enih sihh klo gambaran yg lain cuman rkgk

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GM Fam❤️
The KARO and the BAMBARA🤗💃

Karo is a group of Nilotic tribes that straddles the Nile in the Republic of South Sudan, and the Bambara are a Mandé ethnic group native to much of West Africa.🥰


56 89

GM fam🥰
The ANGAS and the BAMBARA girl🤗🌹

The Angas are an ethnic group in Plateau State Nigeria, and the The Bambara are a Mandé ethnic group native to much of West Africa, primarily southern Mali and Ghana.❤️


39 65

Pernah! Ada yang terbaru juga yang buat artbook haha >__< Udah gw share, kalau gambar lama ada sih... Agak beda sama gambaran baru xD kek gini, gk pake lineart langsung main warna

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Nder diamlah, sblm aku tidak bisa menghapus gambarannya dr kepala awowkwok 😭😭🤚🏻

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New drops!🥰🔥
The BAMBARA and ANGAS girl!🌹

The Bambara are a Mandé ethnic group native to much of West Africa, primarily southern Mali and Ghana, and the Angas people are an ethnic group in Plateau State Nigeria.


72 119

Setelah hampir 4 tahun akhirnya nyoba bikin versi full body hahaha
Bersyukur karena aku gambarnya konsisten berubah dikit karena ngikutin improve gambaranku.

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Penggambaran kota Tokyo ke dalam animenya pun cukup mirip dgn aslinya. Udah banyak yg bahas sih soal ini, tapi tetep aja bikin terpukau. Detil banget.

1 15

sekali lagi selamat atas kemenangan gacha gip ewey nya dan hepi valentine juga :>
*nangis di pojokan_cry in single

2 25

🍫"Happy Valentine's Day! I wanted to give you this to show you how much you mean to me."
re-up gambar lama

0 2

Sekalian deh post WIP abadi Lan Zhan sama Ao Bing tpi kurang mirip ya.
Sebenernya ini gambaran di app medibang udah ilang gara-gara reset hp, tpi bisa di-redraw sih

1 15

Halo artist! Mau pamer gambaran oc B)) sekalian 🐄tualan yuk?! <3

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Pengen macarin gambaran sendiri 😭😭😭

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