I run a Tokusatsu I spired webcomic called Sneeze Psycho Fist. https://t.co/pwVDkMsou4

It's set in a alternate near future where an alien government has annexed Earth. An anxious guys life is turned upside down when a phone game grants him a super powered suit.

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Je prépare doucement mon book d'annexes de Tyrnformen :D

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Après de longues années d'attente et d'épisodes annexes, III est finalement sorti le 29 janvier dernier en France. Nous avons pris le temps d'explorer chaque recoin du jeu pour vous en préparer un test complet ! https://t.co/A1YcZTsNEZ

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Les poster qui vont apparaître pour la convention d'en fin de semaine, je rajoute un poster à chaque convention, mais bon j'essaye de me concentrer plus sur mes projets annexe comme chaud et Sucrée et Hero of Death.

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On this day in 1861, Britain annexed Lagos, formally commencing Nigeria's colonial era.

Well, Americans didn't approve.

Here's the New York Times blasting Britain for the annexation, having massacred the people of Porto Novo (present Benin Republic, as reported by Usk Observer)

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Parce que j'essayais de jongler avec 1000 autres trucs. Et que je devais essayer de finir des séries annexes et/ou plus fraiches, ça fait partie du boulot. De mémoire il manque encore N3 et FarCry5. (Turmoil compte pas, c'est un mini-jeu)

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In continuation of "Today I did"... I used a plugin called ValiArchitects Instant Road to uh... generate roads on my newly annexed territory and... it uh... didn't turn out as expected... one road has more than 60 degree slope XD

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'Cataract patient, Kitwe Hospital Eye Annexe, Zambia', oil on canvas, 48"x36".

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WIP 'Family, Kitwe Hospital Eye Annexe, Zambia', oil on canvas, 48"x48".

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Marilyn Manson performs at Annexet, Stockholm, Sweden, 14.11.2017.

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Marilyn Manson performs at Annexet, Stockholm, Sweden, 14.11.2017.

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Marilyn Manson performs at Annexet, Stockholm, Sweden, 14.11.2017.

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'Little boy with a squint, Kitwe Hospital Eye Annexe, Zambia', oil on board, 12"x10". On show March 2018 at with

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'Little boy with a squint, Kitwe Hospital Eye Annexe, Zambia', oil on board, 12"x10".

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'Mother and child, Kitwe Hospital Eye Annexe, Zambia', oil on canvas, 60"x48". FINISHED.

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WIP 'Greenwell, cataract patient, Kitwe Hospital Eye Annexe, Zambia', oil on canvas, 48"x36". Will be on show at March 2018

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moi pendant l'épreuve du quand jv chercher un truc en annexe :

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Also at our Annexe 2day: Dion Salvador Lloyd, Louise Giblin, Dani Humberstone, Carne Griffiths, Mark Poprawski & Frances Bloomfield.

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check out this work this week annexe. only on until 6-10th! https://t.co/Sa2Se2JRj0

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And there's a sweet thing in the pipeline - Annexe tabletop game

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