More midnight terror desgins…

I need a life
Miku, Kaito, And Luka in that order.

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No recordaba cuando fue la ultima vez que dibujé para mi... *sigh*
WELL...sketchito de Alec, Gardian Dios de la calamidad 😩🙌

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Me preguntan "¿qué pasaría si la Reina Escoria conociera a Venom?" ...
Seria algo escalofriantemente rico...o turbio 🤔

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i enjoy charicter designing, and fancied making an EGirl and Pastle Girl trainer duo.

ocs (c) SlothTrashPanda
pokemon (c) Nintendo

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These two will be the death of me I swear

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Just some human and lineless practice of my two boy. Haku is a minecraft oc (heh) and Teivel is a demon oc.

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