This pandemic could be over if so many were not trapped into believing conspiracies and antivax lies discouraging life saving vaccines, and discouraging all public health measures to slow and stop spread of covid19 and variants of concern. Hope 4th wave is gentle with everyone.

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D'ailleurs j'avais pas vu mais ils sont aussi pertinent sur le covid que le dernier faf antivax

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Was flipping through COSMIC ODYSSEY and John Stewart’s arrogant belief in the superiority of his ring - to the point where he sends Martian Manhunter away - suddenly felt a lot to me like antivaxers swearing by their own immune system over masks and vaccines

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A Venn diagram I did last year, but this year I’d group the antivax with the antimaskers.

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My latest 'toon: "The Anti-Vaxxer Buffet".

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actually I don't really need to argue with an actual antivaxx dumbass

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Anti-vax protests. Cartoon by Martin Chren. Check out our cartoon collection here:

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Suivez moi au ... je vais vous guider vers les élections 2022 ...

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Philippot et la manif antivax. (Par )

10 26

Fantastic about by

TL;DR but worth it:
The main fear stems from a debunked link w Just saying '#VaccinesSaveLives', ignores that autism is a not a deadly disease.

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et manque de recul : comment veux-tu que… ?
de pour
La question du manque de recul revient souvent pour certains

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The problem with this kind of post hoc reasoning is that two events constantly occur in sequence with having any causal relationship between them.

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