その10。春よ来い」の2章に登場するキャラの小絃です。キャラデザは aoihal さん。


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Ahhhhhh 🐧I'm having such a bad day I wake up late forgot to eat breakfast and so many bad shit happen to me 😩 until I saw this I am so happy now🤧🙈thanks to YAOI GOD 🙏🙈

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Today is also a day when I miss them☺️

Title: The nuptial chamber night

3 123

My last erotica for the night~♡

The trigger is by anonymus fic of Red Riding Hood!yuuji getting mauled by Wolf!sukuna :
"Little Red and the Big Bad Cursed Spirit"

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With pleasure, sir 🤤🔥

Cherry Blossoms After Winter

2 19