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Transphobic Arguement Starts Suddenly And Being Very Unknowable About Things Being Newly Cracked, I Just Get To Sit, Listen, And Hate Myself... https://t.co/QpcWhJi88d
I remember back in the early 2000s when lots of arguements were about Alucard and Sephiroth, I kinda miss that timeline lol. Both franchises were active back then, not so much for Castlevania nowadays
help me settle an arguement :)
1 (left) or 2 (right) looks more like the original jigglypuff
I tried to color this Juvia and Touka's arguement in 100yq only to found out how adorable cana's drunk face is😂
Since the Glimmer body type arguement came up again, I just want to remind people she is a literal pear.
Dr. Barker may not be able to hurt a fly and it is very hard to get him really, really angry but that being said, worst time to pick an serious arguement with him is during a full moon
"Actually I came to watch my son's triumph in this arguement. So far I am not disappointed." https://t.co/BAi4UETZB3
@dragaliamemes @Joshkinz_ Sure, but then you run into the issue that a lot of Japanese fiction has with "1000 yr old lolis" or whatever they're called, then you've got the petite vs child arguement which goes nowhere, is it Fire Emblems fault that you can go with Nowi or is it the player for choosing her?
@TailsChannel These types of arguements have literally started to cause my love for Sonic to shrivel up and die. These are the types of arguements that barely matter in the grand sceme of the franchise.
One Piece honestly but Naruto does have a compelling arguement https://t.co/ESX3zaeXRm
//Two female Psycho's having an arguement would be hot. whatchu mean https://t.co/KQN5PKinll
I'd have to say out of all TV couples, the Bigheads are my favorite. I mean who else smashes plates as a sign of love? Plus, nothing beats Bev calling for Ed. 'Oh Eeddd' And the best part is, Charlie Adler @charlie_adler wins AND loses each arguement they have at the same time!
Why is it that when presented male characters of exaggerated body proportion, mfs use "male power fantasy" as a counter arguement
As if I wanna look like these goofy ass niggas
ill never understand insulting your s/o in an arguement, how can you insult them and also tell them you love them
(5/7) He's a pride boi though, he might just use his fat balls to win any arguement >w>
I felt bad about some heated arguements last night so I shaded this one
I messed the legs-