dustwatcher and thundersong! two of cedarmask and windshade's kits. their relationship is rocky but they end up really close at the end of four storms <3

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最近台灣的抗疫議題在社會上造成諸多紛擾,看到還是有人都不戴口罩保護自己與他人,所以畫了一張宣導海報,開放給需要的人列印。到7-11 ibon輸入列印代碼【3393954797】就可以列印囉,期限到2021/05/31 09:39止。

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Tomorrow will be spent mostly driving t get my 2nd COVID vaccine. No idea how long it'll take to get home. You still need to be wearing a mask, even if you have the vaccine. Need a new one? Use code WEARMASK for 2 dollars off https://t.co/Ca15hDrf8I

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