5 noviembre nació Bryan Adams, guitarrista, cantante y fotógrafo canadiense, en 2002 compuso el tema principal de la película Spirit, El corcel indomable

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Sir William Cunliffe Brooks, by Leslie Ward - Vanity Fair, 2 August 1879

He was an English barrister, banker and Conservative politician. He was a notable benefactor to Sale, Cheshire; Hale, Greater Manchester; and Chorlton-cum-Hardy.

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Essa é a Francesca, ela é guitarrista e sonha ser conhecida internacionalmente. Apesar da aparência ela é um amor e tem uma personalidade bem inocente, ent confia mt facilmente nas pessoas, msm vendo os motivos pra n fazer isso kk. (Barriga censurada por causa de gore)

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Sir G Bowyer, by Leslie Ward - Vanity Fair, 18 January 1879

George Bowyer was a British Barrister-at-Law and Liberal politician. He died in King's Bench Walk in London, aged 71 and unmarried. He was found dead in his bed.

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ho fue un doodle rapido para nuestro roedor favorito, DIGO nuestro guitarrista favorito 🖤🦂

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Felix – Guitarra -
Felix viveu bem os anos 80 com uma galera que andava num furgão colorido. Logo conheceu a banda e se tornou o guitarrista, usando roupas coloridas e coladas ao melhor estilo Van Haley.

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Edward Marshall-Hall, by Leslie Ward - Vanity Fair, 24 September 1903

He was an English barrister who had a formidable reputation as an orator. He successfully defended many people accused of notorious murders and became known as "The Great Defender".

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Sir Edward George Clarke, by Leslie Ward - Vanity Fair, 11 June 1903

He was a British barrister and politician, considered one of the leading advocates of the late Victorian era and serving as Solicitor-General in the Conservative government of 1886–1892.

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Luego de ellos nacieron

5- Isabella (la nieta perfecta y favorita)
6- Max (el guitarrista)
7- Aria (la que sigue el legado de su abuelito y es la segunda favorita)
8- Edén (el nieto tierno y adorable) xD! https://t.co/K8WVDVtCc1

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Tras 10 años sin dirigir un largometraje, el realizador Rodrigo Gudiño presenta THE BREACH, una soporífera cinta producida por el guitarrista Slash con muy buenas ideas que no consigue despegar. Un eterno telefilm exceptuando sus últimos minutos de body horror.

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Alexander Meyrick Broadley, by Leslie Ward - Vanity Fair, 14 December 1889

Aknown as Broadley Pasha, He was a British barrister, author, company promoter and social figure. He is best known for being the defence lawyer for Ahmed 'Urabi after the failure of the 'Urabi Revolt.

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Reseña anticipada de

Un guitarrista de heavy metal pelea con demonios!


A la venta el 28 de septiembre por

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