김태경[ChoMak] 3기 모집!

기본 모델링 기능부터 쉐이더를 활용하는
다양한 3D구현 방법,

자신의 작품에 직접 3D기능을
활용하는 방법까지 배워보는
<아티스트를 위한, 블렌더 비기너 클래스>

3 5

The DND Tierlist crew is here to thank you all for being so awesome 💙
We hope you're all doing well and having an awesome day!

Art by:

22 143

I have to say: Honey pajamas outfit is by far the cutest of all :3 Also, the glasses are just <3


6 60

Honey: Hey Sugar~
Me: *heart attack*

Also, doing her second outfit because it looks gorgeous!

9 109

I have done several cursor packs for some close friends and now I wanted to do one for ! Not only has she been super kind, so has the tavern goers so I made this sort of for everyone who may want it!(Cont).

4 46

Found ⁦⁩ today and had a blast watching the stream! Was gifted a sub so I just *had* to draw some DS Gobbo Fanarts!

174 1077

Since is drawing me, I decide to draw her!! Revenge for being too sweet!! (that's how this works, right?)

54 372

Honey Goblin Bottle!
gave me the idea, seemed like an obvious idea now in hindsight! lol enjoy!

9 76

Big sword is the best sword.

15 180

It's that time of year! When it's chilly outside and the goblin has a delivery to make

14 163

I saw you drew Zeka on your last stream, sooo.... Thank you 👀

350 2332

Hot tub chillin’ goblin!

11 126

[배경 일러스트 : 컬러 & 라이팅]
수업이 열렸습니다 !

올바른 명도와 색감 찾기부터
맑은 색상을 유지하면서
그림에 무게감을 싣는 표현법까지

제대로 된 색감과 명암의 기본기를 익혀나가는
배경 컨셉아트/ 일러스트 수업입니다 !


146 447

컨셉아트 수업이 열렸습니다 !

기본기부터 디자인을 어떻게 다루어야 더 매력적이고
풍부한 디테일이 돋보이도록 디자인 할 수 있는지,

막연한 그림이 아니라 스스로 컨셉을 짜는 법을 배우는
컨셉 아트 실무 클래스 !

51 494

Dedicated to a wholesome gob! I decided to turn HONEY GOBLIN into a TATTOO DESIGN!!

Would YOU get this tattoo? Or i guess another question... Would you DRINK this drink? Ack so many questions...

9 63

haven't drawn in a while, decided to get back into it with a cyber cutie.

Love the new model btw.

2 48