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Art Inspiration For Today: Vissen (Fishing) by Adriaan Van’t Hoff (Dutch), watercolor on paper, genre: Art Deco, 1939 #ArtInspirationForToday #Fishing #AdriaanVantHoff
Art Inspiration For Today: Mick Jagger by Andy Warhol (American), screen print in colors on aquarelle paper, genre: Pop Art, 1975 #ArtInspirationForToday #MickJagger #AndyWarhol
Art Inspiration For Today - Pablo Picasso, The Blue Period: The Tragedy by Pablo Picasso (Spanish), oil on wood, genre: Expressionism, The Blue Period, 1903 #ArtInspirationForToday #TheTragedy #PabloPicasso #TheBluePeriod
Art Inspiration For Today: Smile Even if it Hurts, The Prize Winner by Harrison Fisher (American), watercolor on paper, illustration for Cosmopolitan Magazine, genre: Art Nouveau, October, 1913 #ArtInspirationForToday #SmileEvenIfItHurts #HarrisonFisher
Art Inspiration For Today: Bathers at the Quarry by Theresa Berney Loew (American), oil on board, genre: Modernism, ca. 1940-1949 #ArtInspirationForToday #BathersAtTheQuarry #TheresBerneyLoew
Art Inspiration For Today: Australian Beach Pattern by Charles Meere (Australian), oil on canvas, genre: Modernism, 1940 #ArtInspirationForToday #AustralianBeachPattern #CharlesMeere
Art Inspiration For Today - July 1st: Cover Illustration for Judge Magazine by John Holmgren (American), genre: Modernism, July 1936 #ArtInspirationForToday #CoverIllustrationForJudgeMagazine #July1936 #JohnHolmgren
Art Inspiration For Today - The First Day of Summer: Summer by Alphonse Mucha (Czech), oil on panel, genre: Art Nouveau, 1896 #ArtInspirationForToday #Summer #AlphonseMucha
Art Inspiration For Today: Spiderwick by Tony DiTerlizzi (American), cover illustration for the Spiderwick Chronicles, acrylic, gouache on bristol board, genre: Surrealism, Fantasy Art, 2003 #ArtInspirationForToday #Spiderwick #TonyDiTerlizzi
Art Inspiration For Today - My Birthday - My Favorite Painting by My Favorite Artist: Jeune Fille aux Gants (Young Lady with Gloves) by Tamara de Lempicka, oil on plywood, 1930 #ArtInspirationForToday #YoungLadyWithGloves #TamaraDeLempicka
Art Inspiration For Today - Georgia O'Keeffe Week: Poppies by Georgia O’Keeffe (American), oil on canvas, genre: Modernism, 1950 #ArtInspirationForToday #Poppies #GeorgiaOKeeffe #SelectedByTaraHutton
Art Inspiration For Today - Georgia O'Keeffe Week: Red Hill with White Shell by Georgia O’Keeffe (American), oil on canvas, genre: Modernism, 1938 #ArtInspirationForToday #RedHillWithWhiteShell #GeorgiaOKeeffe #SelelectedByTaraHutton
Art Inspiration For Today: À la rencontre du plaisir (Towards Pleasure) by René Magritte (Belgian), oil on canvas, genre: Surrealism, Modern Art, 1962 #ArtInspirationForToday #TowardsPleasure #RenéMagritte #SelectedByTaraHutton
Art Inspiration For Today: White Peacocks by Atsushi Uemura (Japanese), color on paper, genre: Contemporary Japanese Art, 1964 #ArtInspirationForToday #WhitePeacocks #AtsushiUemura #SelectedByTaraHutton
Art Inspiration For Today: La Ville de Paris (City of Paris) by Robert Delaunay (French), oil on canvas, genre: Cubism, 1912
#ArtInspirationForToday #CityOfParis #RobertDelaunay #SelectedByTaraHutton
Art Inspiration For Today: La Tunique Rose by Tamara de Lempicka (Polish), oil on canvas, genre: Art Deco, 1927 #ArtInspirationForToday #LaTuniqueRose #TamaraDeLempicka #SelectedByTaraHutton
Art Inspiration For Today: Pursuit by Reginald Marsh (American), oil emulsion on masonite, genre: Social Realism, 1941 #ArtInspirationForToday #Pursuit #ReginaldMarsh #SelectedByTaraHutton
Art Inspiration For Today: Threatened Swan by Jan Asselijn (Dutch), oil on canvas, genre: Dutch Golden Age, ca. 1645 #ArtInspirationForToday #ThreatenedSwan #JanAsselijn #SelectedByTaraHutton
Art Inspiration For Today: The Voyage of St. Brandan by Edward Reginald Frampton (British), oil on canvas, genre: Symbolism, 1908 #ArtInspirationForToday #TheVoyageOfStBrandan #EdwardReginaldFrampton #SelectedByTaraHutton
Art Inspiration For Today: Lutte as Ciel by John Ferren (American), oil on plywood, genre: Abstract Expressionism, Washington Color School, 1937 #ArtInspirationForToday #LutteAsCiel #JohnFerren #SelectedByTaraHutton