Art Study Recap for February, yayy!! ヾ(≧▽≦*)o

At first, I was really scared of the 80 gestures for 2 mins because I started with 5 mins, and the 3 min cut sounds terrifying-- But that actually helped me speed up my drawing process :D

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been trying 2 do more studies on clothing lately (futa..,,keeps appearing in my art OTL)

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Doing some studies on stream. Did colour studies for 2 hours or so and now I'm gonna get on doing some perspective studies <3

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You are such a badass so I'm studying you cuz you art is inspiring ❤️

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Study done on discord server. I highly recommend it for artists to connect, share and study art.

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discovered and figured it would be a fun way to get an easy win with a two-colour scheme.
the colour being named orochimaru and red arremer make me happy

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