Des Citroën j'en ai eu 8, et ce n'est que le début.
Rarement une marque automobile populaire n'aura suscité autant de passion à travers les générations.

Restez fidèles à vous même: innovant et populaire.

Qui possède une Citroën possède un petit morceau de la France.

0 2

Daily theme:

Ford Freewheeling Brochure 1977.

0 7

Daily theme:

Ford Freewheeling Brochure 1977.

1 4


2年前にLa Festa della Automobille Classicaさんのメインビジュアルを描かせて頂きました



16 65

L’automobile est un mythe.

4 23

Il silenzio mi fece sentire depressa.
Non era il silenzio del silenzio.
Era il mio silenzio.
Sapevo benissimo che le automobili facevano rumore[…
e che il fiume faceva rumore,
ma io non sentivo niente.

Sylvia Plath🖌

24 31

L'Illustration L'Automobile October 1938 by Géo Ham.

0 4

Daily theme:

Ford Freewheeling Brochure 1977.

1 4

Daily theme:

Ford Freewheeling Brochure 1977.

1 9

This apple automobile features the latest in green driving technology! Perfect for the that needs to drive around the downtown core!

The Green Apple Car is FREE with select purchases of 60,000 Points until Sept 18, 2022!

0 3

2022.09.12. Pagani Automobiliの歴史における第3章が開幕。

14 50

Shall we a targeted artshare?
Show me your vehicles...planes, trains, automobiles, bikes - anything vehicular
Feel free to tag anyone who does great vehicles (not essential)

15 84

【木版画 No.136】
〈1998年 第25回 Monterey Historic Automobile Races 記念木版画 No.6〉
The first Porsche and Prof. Ferdinand Porsche , Gmund , 1948

2 11

New artwork for sale! - "Farm Fresh, Truck, Old, Pickup, Vintage, Classic, Orange, Vehicle, Retro, Automobile, American, " -

0 0

【木版画 No.133】
〈1995年 第22回 Monterey Historic Automobile Races 記念木版画 No.3〉
1967 Lotus 49 Ford , British Grand Prix , Jim Clark
《版木455×605㎜① 455×605㎜ ②》

2 8

Debris of an Automobile Giving Birth to a Blind Horse Biting a Telephone, 1938

0 1