My autosave broke.
#Roblox #robloxart #RobloxArtCommissions #RobloxDev
Here's the latest Xmas Headshot.
I was so distracted by the drawing I forgot to save and the program crashed and I had to do all over again because SAI doesn't have autosave (SAI 2 has it but I don't feel it as comfortable to use as SAI 1).
autosave lags the hell out of csp when recording is on ajkdhfa this prolly gonna be last timelapse
Inkscape loves to crash, I got this much done in 4 crashes
(it autosaves so I don't lose any time or anything, I have no idea why it crashes but it do)
((original by @ DickPeacock11))
i almost lost Raymond today, he asked to leave my island and I accidentally pressed the wrong button. Thank God there's no autosave...🤣
@DGalatovich @amora_b I'd want a Celeste tattoo so bad but I'm not sure what id get. I'm contemplating either the autosave symbol, this end screen or this sticker from Fangamer
Com-battler V (Super Electromagnetic Robot Com-Battler V) was one one of the lastest robots beign painted, so the program started to crash each time i got into the autosave, had to turn it down. The portal in the background is Nambara base.
I never remember to save my proyects in photoshop or all those places
My power went out right now so... hoping hard for the autosave option to work
My computer restarted itself but at least photoshop autosaved what really matters
@Trinimmortal That's just awkward... wish I knew more about Premiere but I have no idea what could do this.
If you have autosave on could you perhaps load a previous iteration? IDK it's the only idea I've got that could save you some time.
Either way, good luck stay sane!
weee :D lost about 40% of my doodle to random crash thank god autosave exist
We're fortunate to have autosave system nowadays, but sadly that didn't work for us this time.
#originalcharacter #Digitalwatercolor #Affin...
I had this idea for a rimworld play of doing a business man trying to create a tavern/inn, get adventurers and send them on quests.
This... is the grand story... of Guillermo Polka!
#rimworldbeingrimworld #didntevengotanautosave
@VivaPinataTime Medibang tends to crash a lil so be big on saving but it doesnt delete any saved wips
Ibis paint x (used for the drawing below) is another good one! It autosaves but it was personally hell for me because of blending
@gundhamluvmail @AdobeStudents Lol I can vouch for FireAlpaca, I use it for all my art! It works great, feels great, and I can really make it squeal with pushing to 200+ layers for big projects(3rd pic) and it never crashes! It also autosaves every five minutes, and updates frequently with fixes and features.