this time I did autosave B)

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Here's the latest Xmas Headshot.
I was so distracted by the drawing I forgot to save and the program crashed and I had to do all over again because SAI doesn't have autosave (SAI 2 has it but I don't feel it as comfortable to use as SAI 1).

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autosave lags the hell out of csp when recording is on ajkdhfa this prolly gonna be last timelapse

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Inkscape loves to crash, I got this much done in 4 crashes
(it autosaves so I don't lose any time or anything, I have no idea why it crashes but it do)
((original by @ DickPeacock11))

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Looks like the eighth winner of a "poorly drawn" sketch is .

A 20 was rolled, and the prompt was "Pokémon Mystery Dungeon".

Looks like you've stepped on a few traps there! Those Spin Traps can be annoying!

Too bad the game autosaves. Seems you're stuck like this~

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i almost lost Raymond today, he asked to leave my island and I accidentally pressed the wrong button. Thank God there's no autosave...🤣

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I'd want a Celeste tattoo so bad but I'm not sure what id get. I'm contemplating either the autosave symbol, this end screen or this sticker from Fangamer

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Com-battler V (Super Electromagnetic Robot Com-Battler V) was one one of the lastest robots beign painted, so the program started to crash each time i got into the autosave, had to turn it down. The portal in the background is Nambara base.

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I never remember to save my proyects in photoshop or all those places

My power went out right now so... hoping hard for the autosave option to work

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My computer restarted itself but at least photoshop autosaved what really matters

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That's just awkward... wish I knew more about Premiere but I have no idea what could do this.

If you have autosave on could you perhaps load a previous iteration? IDK it's the only idea I've got that could save you some time.

Either way, good luck stay sane!

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weee :D lost about 40% of my doodle to random crash thank god autosave exist

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im glad that every line is an autosave bc this crashed 3 times

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We're fortunate to have autosave system nowadays, but sadly that didn't work for us this time.

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I had this idea for a rimworld play of doing a business man trying to create a tavern/inn, get adventurers and send them on quests.

This... is the grand story... of Guillermo Polka!

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Medibang tends to crash a lil so be big on saving but it doesnt delete any saved wips

Ibis paint x (used for the drawing below) is another good one! It autosaves but it was personally hell for me because of blending

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Lol I can vouch for FireAlpaca, I use it for all my art! It works great, feels great, and I can really make it squeal with pushing to 200+ layers for big projects(3rd pic) and it never crashes! It also autosaves every five minutes, and updates frequently with fixes and features.

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