Eduardo Muñoz Bachs, és un clar exponent d’aquesta corrent, que fomentava un llenguatge racional, amb molt simbolisme i allunyat d’efectismes. El resultat son uns dissenys que permeten el goig visual del cartell i la rapida identificació amb la trama del film.

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Robin - Son of Batman (DC Comics), 2016. Art by Ramon Bachs, my colors.

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Lotta great comics out this week, but I want to call special attention to SECRET WARRIORS Featuring pitch-perfect art and colors by Ramon Bachs and , seamless lettering by , and a cover by future superstar ...(1/2)

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Robin -Son of Batman came out last week and I forgot to post stuff. Here's a double spread page! (A)Ramon Bachs

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Everyone is familiar with Ellen Giggenbachs cards but did you know we sell her originals?

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