Our Kickstarter for Fully Armored: The Battlelords Gear Manual is 76% funded!

Check out the Kickstarter here: https://t.co/7RTHZP3ljU

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Our Kickstarter for Fully Armored: The Battlelords Gear Manual is 76% funded!

Check out the Kickstarter here: https://t.co/7RTHZP3ljU

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Our Kickstarter for Fully Armored: The Battlelords Gear Manual is 76% funded!

Check out the Kickstarter here: https://t.co/7RTHZP3ljU

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3/4 of the way there, grunts!

The Kickstarter campaign for Fully Armored: The Battlelords Gear Manual & the re-kickstart of the Battlelords of the 23rd Century core rules is 75% of the way to the funding goal!


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Fully Armored and Battlelords re-kickstart happening soon! Sign up to our mailing list at https://t.co/TX2Iw6ZDIP to get first notice! This Kickstarter will be the best time for new players to grab the game at a great price!

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Fully Armored and Battlelords re-kickstart happening soon! Sign up to our mailing list at https://t.co/TX2Iw6ZDIP to get first notice!

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Here are some Battlelords vehicles for your Friday. Remember Mercs, vehicles make big targets. Infantry make small targets. They’re a reason we call them “rolling coffins.” Un-ass from that skim-truck and find cover!

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Most of the team is likely to get wounded every game. One or two are likely to die every couple games. That being said, neither condition is really a long-term detriment in Battlelords, soooo… I’m pretty sure I’m a statistical outlier in your sample. 😋

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What's our favorite Ultra Armor? The smallest one. Here's why (2 images).

I keep telling people that sometimes a good Battlelords game is part horror & the game shares a lot of the same elements (Isolation, being hunted, etc.) as horror movies and horror RPGs.

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It’s not D&D but the women in Battlelords are always competent at “taking names and kicking ass.”

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We’d love to get you guys some Battlelords materials for your actual play podcast!

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Core rules re-kickstarting soon with Fully Armored, our Gear Manual. Sign up at https://t.co/TX2Iw6ZDIP for notice

version in playtesting

“Battlelords of the 23rd Century sets the gold standard for military sci-fi role-playing games." -roleplayerschronicle.com

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Core rules re-kickstarting soon with Fully Armored, our Gear Manual. Sign up at https://t.co/TX2Iw6ZDIP for notice

version in playtesting

“Battlelords of the 23rd Century sets the gold standard for military sci-fi role-playing games." -roleplayerschronicle.com

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Core rules re-kickstarting soon with Fully Armored, our Gear Manual. Sign up at https://t.co/TX2Iw6ZDIP for notice

version in playtesting

“Battlelords of the 23rd Century sets the gold standard for military sci-fi role-playing games." -roleplayerschronicle.com

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Spent the last 2 days making changes to Battlelords of the 23rd Century for (aka “Savage Battlelords”) based on feedback from playtesters.

“Bringing futuristic armored infantry combat to Savage Worlds.”

Send us a Msg if you want be a playtester!

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Spent the last 2 days making changes to Battlelords of the 23rd Century for (aka “Savage Battlelords”) based on feedback from playtesters.

“Bringing futuristic armored infantry combat to Savage Worlds.”

Send us a Msg if you want be a playtester!

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Spent the last 2 days making changes to Battlelords of the 23rd Century for (aka “Savage Battlelords”) based on feedback from playtesters.

“Bringing futuristic armored infantry combat to Savage Worlds.”

Send us a Msg if you want be a playtester!

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Spent the last 2 days making changes to Battlelords of the 23rd Century for (aka “Savage Battlelords”) based on feedback from playtesters.

“Bringing futuristic armored infantry combat to Savage Worlds.”

Send us a Msg if you want be a playtester!

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Spent the last 2 days making changes to Battlelords of the 23rd Century for (aka “Savage Battlelords”) based on feedback from playtesters.

“Bringing futuristic armored infantry combat to Savage Worlds.”

Send us a Msg if you want be a playtester!

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Spent the last 2 days making changes to Battlelords of the 23rd Century for (aka “Savage Battlelords”) based on feedback from playtesters.

“Bringing futuristic armored infantry combat to Savage Worlds.”

Send us a Msg if you want be a playtester!

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