Regardless of how today goes, I have a solid plan to cope with it, and I hope all of you do as well.
Pls vote Biden. It’s the best chance we have at saving rights for LGBTQIA ppl and for saving the environment (or at least slowing it’s destruction)

3 23

I'm trying to stay nonpartisan so I'm debating whether I should endorse Biden. I mean, it's a real dilemma. Do I want to make clear that as mediocre a candidate as he is, I think he's preferable to President Tire-fire? Eh, I guess I oughtta hold my tongue. Forget I said anything.

0 27

There ARE second acts in American lives.
Here's my first Biden, from 1988, when he cribbed part of a British pol's speech.
At the time I said, "Good, one less idiot in the race."
Today he is, quite literally, the hope of the world. Recently for the Nation.
Godspeed Biden.

2 36

I was looking at James Woods' Twitter feed last night. It's amusing the crap he's willing to ignore while putting his sole focus on Biden.

Trump could pull his pants down and start doing the helicopter on stage and Woods' response would be "I can't believe Biden just said that"

0 8

The interrupted far more. The Fox News moderator called out Trump for interrupting more than Vice President Joe Biden. You didn't watch, or you are a liar.

Do you remember the part where the wouldn't condemn white supremacists? America remembers.

42 102

trump. aaaaaaaannnnd biden. sweaty stinky wrinkly uuuhhhhhh
they suck mmmhhhmmmm. theyre probably touching wieners now as we speak. beating eachothers shlongs and locking lips.

0 1

I'm voting for Joe Biden. So should you. (My sketch from '17)

0 2

Dogbert setting himself up to get shot by Joe Biden.

10 210

Everyone is choosing between Trump and Biden. What the hell happened to Meta Knight?

0 1

The RNC is highly confused! They continue to warn of how life will be under Biden & give examples of current events happening RIGHT NOW under Trump.

Trump is president now, not Biden. The blame lies at Trump’s feet.

We have to remove Trump! Vote for !

211 345

The Loch Ness Monster. From a cigarette card collection called "Creatures of Legend". Art by Mark Longworth. According to Donald Trump Jr. this is Joe Biden.

0 0

Other comics starring Hungry Uncle Biden.

These are featured in my latest book, "Shitposts which you can grab from my shop (link in bio)!

1232 12064

What about a Jotakak baby, born by infused science, the M word is forbbiden.

216 897

You literally don’t have to vote for Joe Biden.

188 697

Today's angry White House pandemic press conference:
Trump angrily cuts off questions about his response to the crisis and turns it into a campaign rally, attacking Joe Biden.
Trump is less like a President and more like a cornered rat.

113 288

This is why I voted for Bernie Sanders over Joe Biden.

One tells people who are suffering to shut up & abandons them, the other sits down to listen, then offers support.

Right hand to God I'm tearing up as I write this. We need compassion, not condescension, in the White House.

315 824

She more than earned her right to participate in democracy with Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden. The only reason you don't want Tulsi debating is because you're scared for Joe Biden. Let her debate you pansies

2 7

"And there's twisters
hitting Nashville and
they're very bad,very
bad and they spin very
fast,very fast...'



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