Hey new followers, if you can't buy Heroic Journey: Deathmarch you can support me by liking my FB page sharing it with your friends! link:https://t.co/rXiToO7Uuj

Here are some old pages from the anthology, outside the original story, enjoy!

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Ok so I was holding out on you guys, if you read my latest comic book people than you know this character he’s the hero his name is John HïDü go check it on

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I'll start:
I'm JT, my (sfw) stream: https://t.co/1i2A9VPkMu
I stream illustrations, oil painting, comics and soon, game art!

I'm working on [games] 'Tessa's Story', 'MonsterBoyDungeon', and my autobio comic, 'the Art of Science and Art'!

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Imperium (2015) //
Story: Joshua Dysart, art: Doug Braithwaite

Mech Major

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Imperium (2015) //
Story: Joshua Dysart, art: Doug Braithwaite

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Happy Mother's Day! from me and Lil' Shu n Them. Check out the coloring book link here. https://t.co/AMAwONdezy

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We're getting ready for Comics & Cereal. We should be live around 10:20. Sorry for the delay.

You'll be able to chat and watch with us at https://t.co/3N3BogdBeh

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Join us tomorrow morning at 10 am ET for Cartoons & Cereal and find out which gems of 80's/90's cartoon cringe-stalgia we're going to get into!

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On Podcast 98 we spoke to about the Xmoor Reborn Listen now on iTunes https://t.co/rsZSpf0dMV or Stitcher https://t.co/ajqyqiAcoh, and support the campaign at https://t.co/pexKaKxFfp!

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Based in Washington D.C., SOUTHSIDE tells the story of Dalton Malone as he sets out to find the murderer of his friend. South side, we're outside!! Roll with it or get rolled over!!

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