Hi, hope I’m not too late! These are Lalu Noosh, Blanche, Lundgren, and a new unnamed caterpillar lady I’m working on. Hope you like them!

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Ours nocturne is one of the hunter of the Renarde Blanche tribe. She know the secret art of magical body painting. She is really brave.
I play her in a Würm oneshot, a ttrpg that take place during last glacial age.

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Podcast Episode 619: February 25, 2023 is live!

µ-Ziq, Wil Bolton, MC Yallah, Super Deep, Martyna Basta, Dommengang, Anadol, Teruyuki Kurihara, Lusine ICL, Pauline Oliveros, and Joseph Allred plus Einstürzende Neubauten (just for Cate Blanchett).


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Blanche and sisters

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heathcliff blanchett [mahoyaku] 💛
narrowing this down was difficult because heathcliff blanchett has never had a bad look in his life.

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finished ych for @/MidnightBlanche ❤

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Hello world!
Here's a fan interpretation of Blanche by .
Thank you for the blessing :3c

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Poursuivons donc dans les anecdotes inutiles. Par exemple, il s'avère que je suis incapable de voir les couleurs autrement qu'en lumière blanche/jour (et ne me parlez pas de camaïeu, j'ai beaucoup de mal à faire du camaïeu)

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i wasn't feeling very well today so i worked on something that could cheer me up 🥲💕


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Thanks for the opportunity ! It's my Blanche, an adorable alchimist ♥ 🥰

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J'ai acheté une chemise blanche pour un cosplay, et je la kiffe de ouf
J'ai dessiné mes 2 OCs principaux avec ^^

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I saw people on Reddit like my Leshy Blanche lol

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Regardez ce nouvel OC que a fait,
Je vous présente Blanche, dirigeante de la rose nacrée,
J'ai hâte de lui rendre honneur, et de l'intégrer quelque part !

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Quick concepts for my future visual novel "Carte Blanche"
Liam and Richie

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I have Blanche the dog girl 😬

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Happy Valentine's Day from Blanche!

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