Bloodlines Lore:
Princess Amara and The Phantom Ruby

(Art: )

For many generations, the Kings of Shamar could only harness a small fraction of the Phantom Ruby's power.

Even when they had the mental fortitude to use it, the Ruby drove them mad.

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Good morning, everyone!
I hope you had amazing dreams uwu

Unfortunately, I won't be able to stream on Halloween, but... that doesn't stop us from playing themed games, right? :3

See you all in a few hours with Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines :3

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Something I slapped out in about half an hour, forty five minutes. I don't know if I'll go back and finish it up properly, y'know, with cleaned up line art and shadows and so on, but I like her.

Needless to say, my recent binge of VtM Bloodlines has... affected me, we shall say.

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sevaris design!! :D i had lots of fun drawing this (even if i did struggle with the post, but when do i not /lh)

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Me when The last 5 notes of bloodlines

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they have what in her basement?!

i dont actually know if there's a # for this smp but i'm going to act like this is /lh

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Hiyas! I rep . Currently we have a DM round table talk show. Cast Guidance on Fridays at noon. Then there's 2 campaigns. Sins of Blood on Saturday at 9pm and Bloodlines Sundays at 8pm. The do run parallel in the world of Rune ath Kesha

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I'm not a huge horror buff, but I love Call of Cthulhu.
If you're looking for a campier, broken masterpiece, Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines is awkward perfection.

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A very dumb comic for inspired by the Bloodlines playthrough 💙🖤💜
They're idiots, your honor.

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This digital postcard is from (Avi made this 2), me, & the team saying thank you 4 the best kickstarter ever. We will continue to share the best stories in Vampire Bloodlines/Bridgeport Chronicles. Bianca has a long story to tell but she isn't the only 1.

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Under the full moon, even the trees and grass are asleep at 2 AM..

The silence of the night is pierced by the sound of rushing wings, a race between two shared bloodlines, who is in the right?

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