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ID→ 51BMj7


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Matsubara didn't know much about Max and Mighty, (sounds like the anime staff didn't tell them much.) and upon seeing them secretly hoped that the BMJ manga would be cancelled and given to someone more capable. (Yikes.)

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BMJ Confidential with : Obstetrician on a mission https://t.co/3kUyLedr5r

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BMJ Confidential with Joanna Poulton, a professor in mitochondrial genetics, who wished she'd known when younger "that there’s a glass ceiling: I didn’t know this until I hit it" https://t.co/Q2HuzQdmYQ

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"Elemental Storm" by BMJ-Metalik https://t.co/4U3ZXTKHZM
Ben Jackson氏のイラストレーション。

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Good simple stretches for patients with plantar fasciitis in BMJ today:https://t.co/JS4j4hxcZj image from BMJ

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Good article in BMJ https://t.co/9iEZGLdZLJ Metastatic disease is 70-80% thoracic spine...(image from BMJ)

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Article in BMJ rec an exercise for patients with Achilles prob. Pain at the back of the heel https://t.co/yvwB5wkBV8

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【BMJ23絵チャ】ボンバーマンジェッターズ絵チャ本日21:00~開催です。お気軽にご参加くださいませ! 絵チャ室:http://t.co/dRr5OjUImu いい夫婦の日

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【BMJ23絵チャ】ボンバーマンジェッターズ23絵チャ、まったり開催なう。お気軽にご参加くださいませ。 絵チャ室→http://t.co/dRr5Oj3UYi … 

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Illustration for British Medical Journal BMJ. Title: Political Doctors

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Latest illustration for the British Medical Journal (BMJ) on thromboembolism

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