Girl with red hair - watercolour/gouache study - Boathouse Studio series

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Girl in blue stockings - watercolourgouache - Boathouse studio series

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Boathouse Studio series. - watercolour

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Looking forward to Baa B Q pies. Animator Robert is the 1st Boathouser to illustrate his Friday lunch as well as cook it.

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Sketch of the old boathouse in Alexandra Park surrounded by Canada geese preening themselves

3 12

rapid watercolour - Boathouse studio series

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Rapid watercolour - Boathouse Studio series

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rapid watercolour from the Boathouse Studio series..

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It's a misty day today, drive carefully. This is my of Clovelly, The Boathouse.

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"Draw Boathouse Row heaving into the air on the back of a prehistoric gigantic long-sleeping creature..." –dad

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