Portadas connecting de John Giang para Power Rangers Unlimited: The Death Ranger y Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Ambas seran exclusivas de Jolzar Collectibles.

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Comic reading this weekend: (alternate realities and alternate versions of Angel and Spike, decent writing for a lazy concept); (not a whole lot happens, but the artwork is superior, and the action is very well drawn).

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From Boom Studios, Something Is Killing The Children
Hot New Release Today.
BUY NOW-> https://t.co/SUwS6wuS3g
All hot comics from today-> https://t.co/jPbOZx6Kun

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anunció Mighty Morphin
Tras finalizar Charge to 100, la nueva era de los rangers comenzará con Recharged. Melissa Flores y la artista Simona Di Gianfelice serán las nuevas encargadas del título.

Este cómic saldrá a la venta en Octubre.

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I have been addicted to playing Dredge since it released and wasn’t sure why; just that i was really having fun playing it.
Then i realized the mori, tiny grabby hands, chasing people is what my personal TF OC would do. Dredge is like a monster version of Boomstrike.

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Как у меня дела: я купил права на оригинальную японскую мангу "Моб Психо 100" и собираю деньги на первые два двойных тома на Boomstarter

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Damn, dirty apes... Planet of Apes Volume 3: Children of Fire reviewed on

THE RATING: 7.0/10
THE REVIEW: https://t.co/GdyaTOnxmU

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The rights to Boomstick has been bought by Disney.

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compartió este teaser que nos confirma que Mark Waid está trabajando en una secuela de IRREDEEMABLE, la cual transcurrirá 10 años después del final del primer volumen.
Esperen más detalles en los próximos días.

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¡Ya disponible para los miembros del canal! Tras The Eltarian War, los Omega Rangers han vuelto a Safe Heaven donde se preparan para lidiar con nuevas amenazas.

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Boomstick is on a date with Fedora Guy at Antarctica!

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Preview de Power Rangers ¿Qué planea hacer Andros con el poder del Death Ranger?

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WIP: Boomstick boxer briefs are coming back!

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BOOM! Studios nos comparte el preview de Mighty Morphin
No me gusta el diseño que le dieron a Trini. 🙄

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BOOM! Studios nos comparte el preview de Mighty Morphin
No me gusta el diseño que le dieron a Trini. 🙄

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