From the Marines ALL the admirals are playable! (minus Ricardo, for obvious reasons) Sakazuki, Kuzan, Borsalino and Issho, magma, ice, light and gravity!

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I did a draw it again of an old comic of mine

spoiler: Borsalino didn’t save his nipple

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Seguínos para más frases de Anime !
El Personaje: Borsalino "Kizaru"
El Anime: One Piece
frase aportada por

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So, in the porn actor AU, one night Saka and Bors got drunk as skunks and Borsalino made a bet "if anyone would have the courage to ride Sakazuki he'll have to make a movie too" unfortunately for Saka a few people proposed


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Hunchback of notre dame Au? Hunchback of notre dame Au.
And thus borsalino runs away with Kuzan and Saka dies falling in a fire pit

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Some anon asked me to see some spicy action with Borsalino on top, yet another reminder of why you can't screw them

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Happy birthday, Jean-Paul Belmondo 🚬. I did of him & Alain Delon in BORSALINO a few months ago.

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Tomorrow exhibit in Alessandria at 5.30pm! Click the link for details.

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«Da igual cuál sea su linaje... Hay una verdad incuestionable: ese tío, como pirata... Realmente es como Barbablanca en su juventud, aunque tan solo sea por su fuerza».


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Borsalino 1920 Italian Men's Fashion Vintage Poster Retro Art Pr…

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Painted ! Borsalino. This program was very cute. Good Luck at Skate America ! &

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