Gotcha 40 followers in 2 days wow thanks for support guys.

1 5

Are they Chatting with each other???
To know this JUST keep Supporting

Looking Forward to see them.

6 12

Will they meet like that??? Looking Forward to see it

SUCH a cute and admirable scene😊😊😊

3 4

Pokemon: Bring Serena Back (8th Generation) Pokemon Anime - Sign the Petition! via

everyone please sign the petition to support the fanbase

0 2

What if she was there Pokemon Journeys in the first episode let me know in the comments.

3 6

Sometimes i admire these two, they always look soo cute together, well sometimes i think why the does not want them together.But we Want them together WE will wont give up until its over.

3 6

part of campaign going on to bring back serena.

5 13

Eu sonho em poder te ver de novo...❤️😍


I dream of being able to see you again ...❤️😍

9 24

Amourshiper Goal: Is to bring these two lovebirds stronger and closer than ever before than we last time see them in XY. We Amourshipers are strong! We will win this love for both of them! AshxSerena

7 17