Here’s a BTR fanart I did in 2011 😅
Then something I did in December…it’s wild how different my style is now. I definitely have room for improvement still but I’m happy with the progress I’ve made ☺️

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Timelapse of a very late Christmas illust of BTR characters

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bueno he estado ocupado con algunas cosas entonces dejo otro sketch de bocchi aun mas sucio que el anterior

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Alexa play Boyfriend by BTR

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Un sketch de bocchi con la perspectiva algo rota

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SHOW of BTRの放送が始まって嶋田さんが映った瞬間
「耳かけ可愛い!!!」って思わず声に出しちゃうくらい可愛かったなぁのイラスト( ´͈ ᵕ `͈ )


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