Edward Burne-Jones died in 1833. This sketch by him shows knights who fell into a deep magical slumber on their way to awaken sleeping beauty.

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Seraph inflating the bellows; a study for 'Chant d'Amour' (1865-1868, )

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Really pleased that we have some new material on Briar Rose series from Dennis Lanigan, e.g., https://t.co/tGf0JWa45Z — which is just right for this time of day!!

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Edward Burne-Jones, Perseus and Andromeda; verso: Organ-pipe cluster(?) and console, 1875 https://t.co/cCy0rcro4d

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This is such a beautiful painting! It is Edward Burne-Jones' amazing 1873 painting, Love Among the Ruins!!

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Poseidon, angered by Cassiopeia’s vain assertion that she is more beautiful than the Nereids, instals a sea dragon to raze Ethiopia as divine retribution. Andromeda chained to a rock as a sacrifice to assuage the monster, is saved by the hero Perseus.

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Determining the life expectancy of the Holy Grail Tapestries - online lecture by Jane Thompson-Webb, Collections Conservation Team Leader on Tues Feb 16th 6.30pm-7.30pm. Book now!

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The Vision of the Holy Grail to Sir Galahad, Sir Bors, and Sir Perceval

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