Quadrivium: Animals displaying instruments of astronomy instead of the more usual musical instruments in a margin of Ptolemy's "Almagest," manuscript from the early 1300s: BL Burney 275, f. 390v: pillar sundial, equatorium, astrolabe, and sextant

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And here for good measure is a narwhal, the 'unicorn of the sea'!

Burney MS 97, f. 31v

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there are different types of unicorns🦄? https://t.co/Xov9CNbG7r (Yates Thompson 13, Add 19352, Add 42130, Burney 97, Harley 4751)

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The Pleasures of “the World”: Rewriting Epistolarity in Burney, Edgeworth, and Austen, by Rachael Scarborough King https://t.co/MVZmPnKfsE

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British Library, Burney MS 97, Manuel Philes, De animalium proprietate (Greed) (1566).

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Fanny Burney, lady of letters and quintessential Georgian, died in 1840.

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